Wednesday 10 August 2011

Spotted: New fashion trend

I just thought I would share this with you guys... :P 

New Fashion Trend: Stay glamorous even while swimming!

(Please note: I do not own this image!)

I hope this put a smile on your face! It sure put one on mine! :D

Love, Sylvie xxx

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Product review: Dry Shampoo!

Dry shampoo... what?
Yup, you read correctly! I'm using the Batiste dry shampoo in "blush" and it's such a great idea. If i wake up too late in the morning to have a shower but my hair needs a wash, this is perfect! Or if you just need to freshen up your hair during the day it's also great. You just spray it into the roots of your hair, rub it in a little and wait a couple of minutes, then, ta-da! Clean and fresh hair!I really recommend this product to anyone who has oily hair. I purchased the mini "on the go" size so I can keep it in my bag in case of a hair emergency :D

(Please note: I do not own this image)

Love Sylvie xxx

Friday 29 July 2011

Project Runway Finale: Winner

Season 8 winner of Project Runway... Gretchen Jones!
She had a fantastic collection. However, I did love Mondo and Andy's collections too :)
I watch Project Runway religiously so I am super excited about this blog post!
Here are my favourite highlights from the season:

Mondo's collection:

Gretchen's collection (winner):

My favourite look from Andy:

The finalist designers together:

I really loved Season 8 of Project Runway, I can't wait for more!
If you aren't already an avid watcher of Project Runway, please check it out next time it airs! If you love fashion, I guarantee you will like it!

For the video of the season finale show at Lincoln Centre click here, it's highly worth watching!

Please note: I do not own any of these images!

Love, Sylvie xxx

Can't decide? You don't have to!

In fashion, there are a lot of options to choose from, and it's hard to know which option to pick and buy. 
My Momma came up with the solution! 
She went to the supermarket yesterday to get milk, but she couldn't decide which one to pick... so she bought all the colours!

Okay, that's not entirely true... she was buying blue and green so and she thought my sister and I would enjoy some flavoured milk too :)
So if you are feeling unsure, buy several and decide later! (Just make sure the store has a good return policy!)

(Please note: I do not own this image)

Love, Sylvie xxx

Review: Best nail polish remover EVER!

Does anyone else find removing nail polish a chore? I used to spend around 45minutes on a Sunday night taking off nail polish for school the next day with regular remover. Today, I discovered how AMAZING this Sally Hansen Kwik Off Nail Polish Remover is!

I don't mean to sound like a commercial but it is seriously super easy to use, and it works in only a few seconds. Oh, and guess what? It doesn't have a horrible headache-y smell! Yay! I love it! You just put your finger into the sponge, and twirl it round a couple of times and, voila! Your nail polish is removed :D

A very good buy :) 

Please note: I do not own this image!

Love, Sylvie xxx

Monday 11 July 2011

History lesson: The Bobby Pin

Everyone knows what a bobby pin is, right? Some may know it as a Kirby grip, but we all know about them. 

SOOO many uses for them, such as missing zip tags, sewing pins and you can even use them as hair clips! Who knew?! Not to mention the time I used a bobby pin to single-handedly pick a lock to open a dungeon door, use it to knock out the guard by pressure point and free the koalas from the Sahara Desert. (Or was that a dream...?)
Anyhow... I think we would all agree that Bobby Pins are lifesavers.

(Please note: I do not own this image!)

Unfortunately, they are in no way related to Bobbi Brown, the famous make-up artist. Sigh... that would have been a great story, even better than the Koala-rescuing one. 

Here are some great Bobby-pin hair tutorials for you to try:

For the Wikipedia article (haha) Click here

Just in case you were wondering, Bobby Browns story: click here.

Next weeks episode: How to: Saharan Koala Bobby Pin Rescue... Just kidding :)

Happy Bobbing! 

Love Sylvie xxx

Friday 8 July 2011

DIY Project: Mini Book

So this is the cutest little book tutorial that I found at which i absolutely love. 
Basicly you can make your own little paper book with anything you like in it, such as photos of you and your friends or maybe your own drawings. 
Take a look! 

I do not own this image or video, I found it here.

Happy crafting :)

Love, Sylvie xxx

Saturday 2 July 2011

DIY Project: Chain bracelet!

Looking for something to do on a rainy day? Out of money but just have to have the latest fashion trends?
For just a few dollars you can make this super chic chain bracelet! (actually, it could also be a necklace, belt, purse handles, anything!)

To make this cute wrap-around bracelet, you will need:

About a half metre of medium sized chain - (one you can feed ribbon in and out of, if you can't find a good one at your local hardware or craft store, a new dog chain would work perfectly)
About metre of ribbon (more or less depending on how many times you want the bracelet to wrap around your wrist)
Some pliers or wire cutters.

Step 1. Cut the chain to the length you want it. I did mine about a half metre long. 
Step 2. Thread the ribbon through the first chain link, leaving a 15cm tail.
Step 3. Secure it onto the first chain link with a regular knot.
Step 4. Weave the ribbon in and out of the chain until you reach the end.

Like this:

Step 5. Tie another knot in the ribbon, around the end of last chain link.
Step 6. Leave a tail of ribbon 15cm at this end of the chain too.
Step 7. Wrap around your wrist 2-3 times and get a friend to help you secure it onto your wrist with a cute bow. 
Step 8. Show off your creation to everyone you know! 

So this is a great way to make some cute jewelry for a gift, or just something fun to do when you are bored, and it will only cost a couple of dollars to make. Then, with any left over chain and ribbon, you can make necklaces, belts, etc. 
For information about where I found this project idea, click here
Good luck and have fun!

Love, Sylvie xxx

Monday 27 June 2011

Create your own Boutique!

Hi guys, 

This is a really cool website that I found through YouTube makeup gurus "Juicystar07" aka Blair Fowler and her sister "Allthatglitters21" aka Elle Fowler. 
I'll link their channels here: 
Blair's makeup channel
Blair's Vlog channel
Elle's makeup channel
Elle's Vlog channel
Their awesome website!

I really recommend checking the links out, very cool :)

So anyways, there's this website called which you basicly take this really fun style quiz and you end up with a whole bunch of clothing in your online boutique that shows your personal style, which you can then buy for great prices. Brands like Marc Jacobs, Nicole Richie's line, YSL and many high fashion stores for just a fraction of the price.
It's such a great website and it's free to join! Holla!

If you would like more information on the website, please see this video!

(Please note: I do not own these images!)

Love, Sylvie xxx

Friday 17 June 2011

Barbie, It's over ~ Ken breaks it up.

I just recieved an email from Greenpeace, about Barbie and Ken. No joke. This is what it said:

Last Wednesday, in a high profile break up, Ken dumped Barbie after we exposed her sinister side. Greenpeace investigations led to the shocking revelation that Barbie – the world’s most popular doll – is wrapped in scandal.Her packaging comes from rainforest destruction and endangered species habitat loss in Indonesia. Since releasing the revealing video, Ken declared that he "doesn't date girls who are into deforestation" and the world has got behind him. 

Help save the rainforests and watch the breakup interview, click Here! (really, its worth watching!)

I actually adopted (sponsored) an Orangutan, (his name is Carlos!) and now I find out it's Barbie who is destroying his habitat? Uh-uh! Oh-no-you-didn't girlfriend... oh wait, your not a girlfriend anymore, huh? (mmm-hmmm!)

We have got to help save the rainforests, so please, sign up to Greenpeace and save the world. We got your back Ken! (and your abs, and your hair...)

(please note: I do not own these images)

For next week's episode, Keeping up with the the Ken-Barbians, follow my blog! Updates and more on the scandle soon!

Love, Sylvie xxx

Sunday 5 June 2011

Things I love-May

Things I'm loving :)
So as May has ended I thought I would make a list of all of my favourite things from the month of may to share with you...

1. Hot Chocolates
Ohmygoodnessilovehotchocolates! I just recently started making myself hot chocolates, and I LOVE them. To come home from school and snuggle up with a hot chocolate, its the perfect way to relax after a long day. 
The only thing is... I'm a bit guilty of having more than just one after school, there's also my one before school, before dinner, after dinner, before bed..... no, I'm joking, but I do have too many!

2. Room tours/closet tours
So if you have seen my last post, you will know exactly what I'm talking about! Check it out :)

3. Black and white clothing. I just love this classic, timeless combination on everything. Especially Zebras. I love Zebras. Click here for a link to Project Runway info :)

4. Ugly Betty
Technically it wasn't May, but I had to add this in because I have become an Ugly Betty fanatic recently!
I just love the fashion and the gripping storyline!

5. Kim Kardashian's Fit in your jeans by Friday workout series
Okay so I know what you are thinking... Kim Kardashian, really?
I have only done this workout a couple of times, but i purchased it on my itouch for $2.59 and I'm finding it really fun which is important to me because I am not a very motivated person when it comes to exercise! 
I only dread to think what Kim would say about all the hot chocolates...
(Please note: I do not own these images)
6. Long Weekends! We have had two in the last month and it is so lovely waking up on Monday morning and not having to get up out of bed! <3 The reason we're having one this weekend is because it is the Queens Birthday weekend. 
Sadly, I wasn't invited to her party, which I was actually quite hurt by because I invited her to mine. I'm still waiting for the invitation. Must have got lost in the post. 

7. Scrunchies. 
They are a fun accessory and they only take about 10 minutes to make. They are super cute, super easy so you can make them for all of your friends :) 
Expect a blog post on them soon! 

Love Sylvie xxx

Monday 30 May 2011


Hey, Ya!

Okay, I am positivity sure that I am not the only girl out there who loves watching closet tours, right? If you haven't watched one before, you are missing out big time and I am about to put you out of your misery! Yay!
I have spent ridiclious (yes, spell check, RIDIC-LI-OUS, it sounds so much more fun that ridiculous, right?) amounts of time on within the last few days. I never really realized there was so many amazing videos and advice pages on it. Perfect if you are (like me) into fashion, make up, hair and all things girly! :D
Check out the Beauty Smarties, (have you heard of Blair and Elle Fowler? Expect a blog post on them soon!) they are Beauty Gurus from YouTube that have selected to be our all-things-beauty teachers! Who wishes their school offered beauty and fashion as a class? I do! :) check them out! 
Thank goodness for the style council though, these girls are my favourite: 
Adrianna's closet tour
Valerie's closet tour
Chelsea's closet tour

There are many more you will love, have a look through them all at

Just while we're on the topic of seventeen, here's my favourite clip from the movie "Seventeen Again" starring Zac Efron :) YouTube Seventeen Again
(Please note: I do not own these images!)
P.S just in case you didn't notice, the links are the blue words!

Love, Sylvie xxx

Friday 27 May 2011

DIY bracelet holder

Do you have a favourite store that no one else knows about?
I am a huge fan of little boutiques.  You can always find them, hiding around the corner of a street, three blocks down from Glassons and Supre which is why it is undiscovered and no one else shops there. You can find the most amazing dresses,  one-off individual pieces, tonnes of cute jewelry, and they're often  inexpensive. 
(Please note: I do not own this image!)
And if you are interested in making one of these yourself (which of  course you should be), here are my instructions. So without further  ado, (I apologise for the massive intro) 
You will need:
•The inside of a glad wrap cardboard roll or a similar tube
•Some coloured paper (or plain white paper and some paints if you would prefer to decorate that way)
•Double sided tape
•A wooden stick (or a wide pencil)
•A ruler
•A base of some sort (I used an empty eclipse mints box, but you can use a large styrafome square or whatever works best for you)
Measure half way on your cardboard tube and cut a slit in the width of the pencil or wooden stick. Then poke the stick through so that it fits nice and snug. Cut two rectangles of coloured paper large enough to fit over he ends.  Tape them down on the sides Then cut a piece of the paper large enough to fit around the tube. Use  double sided tape to secure it in place. Be sure to cut a hole in the  paper where the wooden stick will sit. Cover the base in paper and if you are using styrafome, press the  stick through the middle, attaching it to both the base and the tube.  If you like you can decorate it with paints, pens and even magazine cut outs. Display your bracelets! Good luck :)
Love Sylvie xxx

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Where there's a Will, there's a Kate!

The Royal Wedding was beautiful. I thought it was so amazing that a predicted two billion people were watching. Wow. But on to the REAL point. 
Kate's wedding dress. Oh. My. Gosh. Wasn't it stunning?
I think everyone was was jealous of the dress, designed by Sarah Burton for Alexander McQueen.
Gorgeous white detailed sleeves, the perfect neckline and beautiful fabric. Her hair was out in a natural style and she had a classic bouquet of flowers, fit for a princess.
It was such a long wait for Kate to arrive, I'm sure Will would have been so nervous!

Also, Pippa looked amazing as well! Some say that she upstaged Kate, but I don't agree, I think it was just right.

Anyhow, both dresses were a huge step up from Diana dress when she got married in 1981. It was, well, interesting... 
(Please note: I do not own these images!)
The train was massive!

Just a quick comment, did anyone else notice that instead of saying "I do" they said "I will"? Is that unusual or is it just me?
So if he said "I Will", don't you think it was her turn to say "I, Kate"? 
That was a joke. A bad one. But someone had to say it.

Comment and let me know what you thought of the dress! 

Love, Sylvie xxx


Hiya! Yup, you! The one with the incredible fashion sense (that your friends have somehow overlooked, even though you are sure that hot-pink and turquoise leopard-print underwear will catch on one day, the world just isn't ready yet, *sigh...*) sitting at your computer, looking ever so slightly bored? Well prepare to get excited.

Follow my blog for as-it-happens, 24/7 around the clock updates, as i snoop about for the latest scoop on trends, sniff out the fashion crimes, save the fashion victims, and set out on my quest to destroy, crush and terminate all Crocs footwear off the face of this earth... *shiver*  Okay, they aren't THAT bad, it's not as if they are made of plastic, come in every colour and have holes in them or anything! Oh, wait...

I will blog about fashion to DIY for, so you can Do It Yourself and not spend your well-earned cash on something you can easily make by yourself for a dollar, how you can help save the world by being eco-chic with eco-fashion and charity clothing (Wait, shopping AND saving the world? I'm in!) and of course, if you've been living under a rock, everything else in the whole fashion world that you may have tragically been deprived of (remember that time when your Great Aunt Helga came to stay and you actually missed the finale of Project Runway??), it's all right here!
Hope to see you soon!
Love, Sylvie xxx