Friday 17 June 2011

Barbie, It's over ~ Ken breaks it up.

I just recieved an email from Greenpeace, about Barbie and Ken. No joke. This is what it said:

Last Wednesday, in a high profile break up, Ken dumped Barbie after we exposed her sinister side. Greenpeace investigations led to the shocking revelation that Barbie – the world’s most popular doll – is wrapped in scandal.Her packaging comes from rainforest destruction and endangered species habitat loss in Indonesia. Since releasing the revealing video, Ken declared that he "doesn't date girls who are into deforestation" and the world has got behind him. 

Help save the rainforests and watch the breakup interview, click Here! (really, its worth watching!)

I actually adopted (sponsored) an Orangutan, (his name is Carlos!) and now I find out it's Barbie who is destroying his habitat? Uh-uh! Oh-no-you-didn't girlfriend... oh wait, your not a girlfriend anymore, huh? (mmm-hmmm!)

We have got to help save the rainforests, so please, sign up to Greenpeace and save the world. We got your back Ken! (and your abs, and your hair...)

(please note: I do not own these images)

For next week's episode, Keeping up with the the Ken-Barbians, follow my blog! Updates and more on the scandle soon!

Love, Sylvie xxx

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