Saturday 28 July 2012

Universe Nails

My version of the universe nails! 

This is all about layering you're colours.
Start with a black base coat.
When that is dry, dab on some sparkly green with a sponge over about half to three quaters of the nail.
Then, slowly keep adding all the different colours you want, blending them together a little bit.
Add a clear top coat, and you're done!
I used: Black, Green, Pink, Purple and Blue. (I used different shades from Revlon and Chi Chi)
These are beautiful for going out at night or just for a fun weekend!
Bon Weekend!

Sylvie xxx

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Spotted: New fashion trend

I just thought I would share this with you guys... :P 

New Fashion Trend: Stay glamorous even while swimming!

(Please note: I do not own this image!)

I hope this put a smile on your face! It sure put one on mine! :D

Love, Sylvie xxx

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Product review: Dry Shampoo!

Dry shampoo... what?
Yup, you read correctly! I'm using the Batiste dry shampoo in "blush" and it's such a great idea. If i wake up too late in the morning to have a shower but my hair needs a wash, this is perfect! Or if you just need to freshen up your hair during the day it's also great. You just spray it into the roots of your hair, rub it in a little and wait a couple of minutes, then, ta-da! Clean and fresh hair!I really recommend this product to anyone who has oily hair. I purchased the mini "on the go" size so I can keep it in my bag in case of a hair emergency :D

(Please note: I do not own this image)

Love Sylvie xxx

Friday 29 July 2011

Project Runway Finale: Winner

Season 8 winner of Project Runway... Gretchen Jones!
She had a fantastic collection. However, I did love Mondo and Andy's collections too :)
I watch Project Runway religiously so I am super excited about this blog post!
Here are my favourite highlights from the season:

Mondo's collection:

Gretchen's collection (winner):

My favourite look from Andy:

The finalist designers together:

I really loved Season 8 of Project Runway, I can't wait for more!
If you aren't already an avid watcher of Project Runway, please check it out next time it airs! If you love fashion, I guarantee you will like it!

For the video of the season finale show at Lincoln Centre click here, it's highly worth watching!

Please note: I do not own any of these images!

Love, Sylvie xxx

Can't decide? You don't have to!

In fashion, there are a lot of options to choose from, and it's hard to know which option to pick and buy. 
My Momma came up with the solution! 
She went to the supermarket yesterday to get milk, but she couldn't decide which one to pick... so she bought all the colours!

Okay, that's not entirely true... she was buying blue and green so and she thought my sister and I would enjoy some flavoured milk too :)
So if you are feeling unsure, buy several and decide later! (Just make sure the store has a good return policy!)

(Please note: I do not own this image)

Love, Sylvie xxx

Review: Best nail polish remover EVER!

Does anyone else find removing nail polish a chore? I used to spend around 45minutes on a Sunday night taking off nail polish for school the next day with regular remover. Today, I discovered how AMAZING this Sally Hansen Kwik Off Nail Polish Remover is!

I don't mean to sound like a commercial but it is seriously super easy to use, and it works in only a few seconds. Oh, and guess what? It doesn't have a horrible headache-y smell! Yay! I love it! You just put your finger into the sponge, and twirl it round a couple of times and, voila! Your nail polish is removed :D

A very good buy :) 

Please note: I do not own this image!

Love, Sylvie xxx

Monday 11 July 2011

History lesson: The Bobby Pin

Everyone knows what a bobby pin is, right? Some may know it as a Kirby grip, but we all know about them. 

SOOO many uses for them, such as missing zip tags, sewing pins and you can even use them as hair clips! Who knew?! Not to mention the time I used a bobby pin to single-handedly pick a lock to open a dungeon door, use it to knock out the guard by pressure point and free the koalas from the Sahara Desert. (Or was that a dream...?)
Anyhow... I think we would all agree that Bobby Pins are lifesavers.

(Please note: I do not own this image!)

Unfortunately, they are in no way related to Bobbi Brown, the famous make-up artist. Sigh... that would have been a great story, even better than the Koala-rescuing one. 

Here are some great Bobby-pin hair tutorials for you to try:

For the Wikipedia article (haha) Click here

Just in case you were wondering, Bobby Browns story: click here.

Next weeks episode: How to: Saharan Koala Bobby Pin Rescue... Just kidding :)

Happy Bobbing! 

Love Sylvie xxx